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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I Page 22

  Chapter 65. It's not that simple.

  Will was delighted and heaved a sigh with relief. He would get three without any fight, but the Senior dryad continued, “We need two rare reagents for sealing off, because we have already spent what came from our garden last year. You will have to find these reagents…”

  “You have nothing left in your garden? Only tumble weed and wind howls?” Raven asked. He did not want to run out any herbs, assuming that it was impossible to find them in the usual places.

  “I don’t know what tumbleweeds are, but I get the gist. No, we don’t have these ingredients any more. They appear every sixty years, except…” The Dryad priestess looked at her daughter sighed deeply. “You know what I’m talking about. Don’t be afraid! If you were able to kill the monster that seized Ukumi, you can easily find them. I’ll tell to where.”

  “Thanks.” The rogue said sincerely. The Senior could have just as easily said, “Go east, and somewhere there you will find what you’re looking for.”

  Offered the task “Night Ritual.”

  Description: For removal of powerful magic of the seals, you are to find two reagents.

  Karukora - 0/1

  Sarkanit - 0/1


  +3 shards;

  +60,000 XP;

  Current attitude status will rise to trust;

  The Senior dryad’s Reward

  Accept? Yes/No

  “Seems simple enough…” Looking at the quality of experience points and rewards, Will thought, “I’m going to have to kill two strong monsters.”

  “I understand, except for one thing,” he said. “How will I recognize ‘Karukor’ and ‘Sarkanit’ when I see them? I can’t tell the difference between plantain with burdock.”

  “Don’t worry,” the Senior replied. “Ukumi will go with you.”

  “Me?” The priestess stammered. “B-b-but there are Davrs and Nomirs there!”

  “These men will protect you, daughter. It’s you who told me they killed the Demon’s Jaws. We have no reason not to trust them.”

  “But Mum! I am too weak! A great part of my power is controlling the ancient stone. They’ll be distracted having to defend me. Maybe… do we have drawings of those herbs?”

  “Of course, we have, but all their descriptions are written in our ancient language. Besides, it will be difficult to distinguish these herbs from others without any practical experience. But why should I tell you about your duty?” the Senior remonstrated. “Just do it!”

  “But Davrs and Nomirs…” She whispered, then approached the rogue, raising her hands.

  Their two companions did not hear their conversation, as it took place only in the Dryads’ heads. But they surmised from the young priestess various expressions that things weren't going so well for Raven and Daltaro. When they saw the girl hang her head and sniffle, they got a bad vibe.

  “It’s time to go.” Ukumi said, again outstretching her arms. “Well? How long are you going to keep me waiting?”

  “Perhaps you can share what you were discussing?” Will asked, picking her up in his arms.

  “I’ll tell you on the way.”

  “By the way, I forget to ask… how long does our telepathic communication last?”

  “Mum has updated it. It will last for another day. Let's go.”


  Ukumi told them about what they would be fighting, and Will conveyed the message to their traveling companion.

  “If not for the ancient stone, I would be stronger.” She cupped his fist in hers. “But in a fight you cannot count on me. I spend half of my strength keeping the aura sealed inside me.”

  “Can you hide in the grass or dig in the ground or merge with a tree likely you usually do in such cases?”

  “Can I dig in the ground? What am I, a mole?! Can I merge with a tree? Do I look like a bug?” The priestess exclaimed.

  “Just answer me,” he sighed. “Can you hide or not?

  “I will, but it’ll be useless. They have good noses.”

  “Can they climb trees?”

  “Mm … None of us knows…”

  “Then you will be the first,” Will answered.


  After ninety minutes of travel through the forest, the girl brought them to the alleged place.

  “It’s here,” the Dryad said, pointing nervously towards the gaping pit of a grotto.

  “Are you serious? Does that grass we need grow in this dark cave?”

  “It’s not grass, but lichen. Dark places are the best for their growth.”

  “And what lives in there?

  “D-davrs… huge and terrible centipedes…”

  “I see. Daltaro, can we cope with huge centipedes?” Raven asked, but, looking at his fellow traveler, he saw a pale face and a tremor pass through his body.

  “What’s happening with you, gallant adventurer? Are you afraid of dark caves?”

  “No.” Daltaro turned to the young man. “These creeping freaks make me shiver. I hate them when they’re small, but where’s talking about huge centipedes …”

  Will hemmed, patting his shoulder. He stared into the cave’s pharynx, considering.

  “A coward legendary adventurer? Uhm, no. An adventurous cowarder? No, that’s nonsense … Hm, a cowardish legend? Oh! A legendary coward.”

  Raven felt Daltaro’s rage and thirst for murder swell in waves.

  “If I’m not mistaken, you’re trying to provoke me.” The edge of an arrow came dangerously close to the rogue’s neck.

  Raven watched the arrow’s point move toward his left eye. “What’s wrong? Have you already seen a monster in the dark? Well done!” Will told delightfully. “Doesn’t the fact that I’m in the way of your arrow, disturb you? You might have asked me to slide over a bit.” He clicked his tongue indignantly.

  “Are you making a fool out of me?” The man hissed.

  “I don’t follow you! I said nothing! Ukumi, you agree?” Raven appealed to the Dryad’s blinking eyes. “You see her silence. So I don’t lie!” The rogue pointed at himself.

  “You! Yes, you! She can speak only with you! Well, that’s enough!” The archer pulled back on his drawstring, but Will ran directly into the cave, hoping Daltaro would take out his frustrations on the poor Davrs.

  Сhapter 66. Rage of the “coward” archer.

  Raven had barely taken ten steps into the cave when he met the first centipede.

  “Name: Davr

  Level: 65;

  HP: 15600.”

  The creature was resting in a large crack in the wall of the cave. It belonged the class Chilopoda. Its forelimbs ended in sharp claws with venom glands, stretching forward from its body to kill or paralyze its prey.

  The rogue placed Ukumi on the ground, gave her a warning stare not to interfere, and raced at the monster. Then he rolled to one side, allowing the archer behind him to shoot an arrow into the opened monster’s mouth.

  Its mandibles cracked and it slithered Daltaro’s way. The archer, skirting the opposite wall, fired at the Davr’s body.

  Raven drew his dagger, holding it with a reverse grip, and rushed the centipede. He plunged the blade deep into its side he applied “Cut”, making the creature bleed profusely.

  Due to its speed and size, the Davr didn’t lag behind Daltaro. The excited archer, swallowing his fear, clenched his teeth and shot arrow after arrow. Its health plummeted.

  The rogue attacked from the side and from the back. When the monster’s health dipped to 7%, Raven jumped up and, from above, struck Double Attack. It coincided with the bonus from “Without Soiling Hands” which gave him a 6% chance to strike a fatal blow to an enemy with less than 20% Health.

  The odds were with him. The animal gave a wheeze and sprawled on the ground. It’s many legs twitched, then fell still.

  Will, eager to loot the corpse, approached, but Daltaro stopped him. “Everything we find in this cave is mine. I wanted no part of this battle, but you forced my hand. Consider it mora
l compensation.”

  “I did not force you! I can't understand why you're mad at me, Daltaro. If you think I ran away from you, you are mistaken. I did it to evaluate the situation. I’ll allow you 20%.”

  The archer’s eyes flashed with anger. His scowl was deadly.

  “Fifty-fifty and I’ll help you beat the others, otherwise I’m done.”

  “Legendary co … uhm,” Will coughed into his fist. “Twenty-one percent. Remember that in the future I’ll save your stuff and I won’t lay claim to it.

  “Forty-sixty,” Daltaro said reluctantly, his voice full of spite and bile.

  “Twenty-one and a half, that’s my best offer. Otherwise I’ll die from hunger.“

  “But you never eat during out traveling!”

  Raven raised an admonitory finger. “It’s my subcutaneous fat that helps me. I need to resupply it soon.”

  “Fie! Eat it!” Daltaro gave out and went further to the cave.

  Ukumi shook her head, watching them.

  “And they saved me… hey!” She saw that they had left her behind and ran after them, stumbling about the big stones. “What about me?!”


  Being in “Stealth” mode, Raven kept a look out for his next victim. He found two more monsters nearby, opting to throw stones to distract them, except for one centipede which he shot from his arbalest in order to conduct it to its companion. Step by step, Will rose to 55 level. He also gained points in Strength and Agility, and one in Energy as usual.

  While they looted one of the dead Davrs, the cave began to shake violently. Through a cracked stone wall, they saw a new enemy of the class Diplopoda. Along its red fat oblong body were a symmetric number of legs, and it wiggled its short antennas as if it had caught a signal.

  “Name: Davr-hermit

  Level: 69

  HP: 18,100.”

  “Yowsers!” Ukumi found a small crack nearby, and crawled inside it.

  Daltaro and Raven leaped in different directions. The archer managed to fire a bright blue arrow which froze one of the monster’s antennae.

  “Draw away it away from the priestess!” Raven shouted, trying to throw his dagger into the second antenna. Unfortunately, his weapon flew by and it hit the wall. “Devil!”

  The millipede was spewing some type of fluid, finding it was not easy to target Daltaro. Having run up behind him, the rogue used “Shock”, successfully stunning the enemy, which granted him a three-second “stun” that the archer could use to retreat.

  The skill “Cut” failed, but Will used “Double attack,” “Underhand Blow,” the best skill “Torture,” and after Cooldown he activated “Shock” with “Cut.”

  The rogue did not damage the monster much due to its physical resistance.

  - 385

  - 240

  - 460

  “Shock” successfully stunned the enemy, allowing the archer to shoot into the Davr-hermit’s mouth. It began to shake and a deafening “boom" was heard. Stinky smoke spewed from its mouth.

  The monster squealed and twitched its body, resuming its attack. Such actions were dangerous for Raven so the rogue moved aside, hoping the Davr would calm down.

  He did not have to wait long. Daltaro’s next arrow proved fatal for the monster. It collapsed and began dripping with hemolymph.

  Chapter 67. A hideout

  The dead monster lay in the middle of the ruined tunnel. Ukumi, still covering her head, clambered out of her shelter, slowly approached the monster, and stuck her finger into it before jerking her hand away from the Davr. Convinced it was finally dead, she went into a proud pose of victory.

  “Ha-ha! He tried to scare me. This is what happens to those who attack me!” Before returning to Will, she kicked the corpse with her small foot, letting out a squeak.

  Raven watched the "brave" Dryad, relaying her words to Daltaro.

  The archer burst out laughing. “Ah-ah-ha … And that is she who is the adult, the wise woman. She is one!”

  The rogue gave a good hearty laugh too. Afterward, the young man headed to the courageous priestess and took her up in his arms. “Is this lichen here? What are we looking for, anyway?”

  “Karukora. It’s right there.” She pointed at the ceiling.

  Will frowned. “It would have been nice to know the grass we require grows on the ceiling beforehand. Good thing I have a skill which will allow me to collect this lichen. But what if I didn’t?”

  The girl shrugged her shoulders and stared at him with widened eyes.

  “Do you want to walk back home alone?” he asked, scowling.

  “No! I want nothing of that kind!” Ukumi fluttered her eyelashes, her expression showing her fear.

  “Okay,” he sighed. “Next time, warn me if the grass grows high above, very deep or somewhere inaccessible.”

  The priestess shook her head, conveying her understanding.

  Will activated “Without Barriers,” and ran up the ceiling thirty-three feet above the ground. As a punishment, Raven took the Dryad with him. She squealed in alarm, clutching at his neck to let her go.

  “Are you sure me to do that?” Raven answered, laughing.

  Ukumi squeezed her eyes shut, burying her face in his shoulder.

  A large quantity of lichen grew in this cave. It was unclear how the Dryads learned its location, but he would worry about that later. The rogue began to pick all the grass he could, hoping its rarity would proportionately influence its cost.

  He proceeded quickly. In this game it was not necessary to have a skill “Herbalism” for picking plants. Alchemists had to have them. The higher the level skill was; the more benefits of ingredients there were.

  At the end of Will’s collecting duty, something flashed. He turned back, but saw nothing. Though there was luminescent light in the cave, it was not enough to see all. Hanging upside-down, he returned to picking, but something flashed again.

  Raven was examining the ceiling when he received a message.

  “Your observation and good luck allowed you to find a hideout!

  +5 Influence points;

  +0.5 Luck.”

  Directly before him was the cover of a small chest, merged with the rock of the cave ceiling.


  The rogue opened the chest, removed its contents and ran down to floor level.

  “The withering glory Gloves of dying fame”

  Rank: Diamond


  Luck - 10;

  Agility - 210.

  Description: A famous rogue owned these gloves. He robbed on the main road. His fame preceded him, so he could not travel to big cities, afraid he would be recognized by guards. As a result, he chose to hide in the woods, and no one heard from this rogue again.


  +45% Speed;

  + 40 Strength;

  +2 steps to the “Theft” skill

  Features: Wearing them takes away one Influence point every day.

  Class requirements: Rogue.

  “The princess Lilli’s Necklace”

  Description: This necklace used to belong to the Grand Duchess of the Southern state. It was stolen by Shafri Konak, famously known as “Successful Shaf”.

  Characteristics: Memorable jewelry for the princess.

  Class requirements: No.”

  There were three similar pieces of jewelry as well: a ring, a bracelet, and a diadem. All of them were inlaid with bright gemstones, and each item had its own history. Reading through their descriptions, Raven understood that the famous rogue had chosen the jewelry not for their monetary value but for a victim’s memory. Stealing them had been his hobby.

  “Offered a task “Dealing out Loot”

  Description: You have found one of the secret hideouts of "Successful Shaf." Deal out memorable things to those victims who are still alive.

  Rewards: Depends on circumstances and a victim’s attitude towards you at the moment of handing over his or her jewelry.”

  The roll
, which had exclamation marks in the description, was the last. Raven used “Identification” out of reflex. Remembering the Scroll of ʻBack and forthʼ description, he swore loudly. The Dryad sitting in his hands began to tremble as the portal sucked her and Raven in.

  “You’ve used the scroll of “Back and forth”. You will be moved to a different Floor for a day. You can either hide and wait or explore and discover something new. Make up your mind, White Raven. Fortune favors the brave!

  Congratulations! You’ve learnt a new property of the scroll. Interacting with an NPC, you can bring one being with you.”

  “Why wasn’t I embracing Daltaro at that moment?” Will thought sarcastically. He prayed not to be thrown anywhere that he would not be able to take even one step.

  Chapter 68. That monster

  A group of high level players from the Rollin’ Dice clan, with their leader Kingmaker, prepared for a raid boss in the Lost Time Labyrinth. Joining them were their rivals, the Fortuna clan, with their former leader, Crimson Berserker. In this quest, if you happened to lag behind your party, you’re dead. It was one of the few places on the third Floor they had not passed through yet.

  The number of players required for the raid was eight. The top guilds fought for attention and the title of Conqueror of the Labyrinth.

  Inside it were forty level-sixty-nine monsters and the level-eighty boss. A thief from an unknown clan had reached it and shared this information in network. But nobody knew what the boss looked like or how to kill it. Several attempts had been made to achieve it, but they ended in failure.

  “Name: Illusionist

  Level: 80;